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Today's Headlines

Friday’s Headlines

Hollywood Blvd renovation could change everything; Advocates want to ensure a Bay Area transit tax would go to transit; A reporter tries to squeeze through new BART fare gates; More

March 22, 2024

Thursday’s Headlines

People hate car-free cities, until they live in one; FHWA has some spare change for bike/ped projects; How CEQA can hamper electric rail; More

March 21, 2024

Wednesday’s Headlines

Last year was hottest ever, but Caltrans will keep expanding highways; Full passenger service returns to San Clemente; More

March 20, 2024

Tuesday’s Headlines

Bill would authorize ballot measure for Bay Area transit funding; Americans are riding transit in record numbers; Students go for BART-riding speed record; More

March 19, 2024

Monday’s Headlines

Oil industry ad campaign on gas prices is deceptive, cynical, insulting; Subsidies for methane reductions in dairy industry are doing more harm than good; Why do traffic laws prioritize speed over safety? More

March 18, 2024

Friday’s Headlines

AVs launch in LA; San Diego County approves pedestrian safety plan; Has anything changed along PCH? More

March 15, 2024

Thursday’s Headlines

CA NOT on track to meet climate goals; It's quite impossible to trace the spending of transportation tax dollars; Work from home does not lead to less driving; More

March 14, 2024

Wednesday’s Headlines

Low Carbon Fuel Stnd could lock in fossil fuel subsidies; 20 years of Complete Streets; Why so hard to build housing near transit? More

March 13, 2024

Tuesday’s Headlines

Collision brings attention to traffic safety problems along Oakland's bus rapid transit; Santa Monica BBB begins deploying unarmed "safety officers"; The deadliest intersections in America; More

March 12, 2024

Monday’s Headlines

Low-traffic neighborhood see huge health benefits; How transportation funding is used to manipulate cities; Proposed FHWA rule would require pedestrian, bike safety assessments; More

March 11, 2024