Eyes on the Street: Irvine’s New Curb-Protected Bike Lanes
The city of Irvine's new curb-protected bike lanes extend 1.25 miles on Cadence from Radial to Chinon
New Studies Show No Downsides for Bicycle Safety Stop
As more states continue to pass laws allowing bike riders to treat stop signs like yield signs, more studies showing their safety benefits accumulate.
Friday Video: A Deep Dive on Toronto’s Ridiculous New Anti-Bike Lane Law
"This selfish, entitled surbanite is willing to let people die for the hope of shaving a few minutes off of his commute."
America Has A New ‘Friendliest’ State for Cycling
...but even the best of the best isn't doing enough to protect people on two wheels, a top advocacy group warns.
New Camera Tech Hopes to Stop Drivers From Close-Passing Cyclists
If only policymakers could fully experience the pervasive problem of drivers passing too closely to cyclists perhaps they'd find a way to stop the deadly practice and get victims justice.
When Journalists Give Even Intentional Traffic Violence a Pass
The driver who killed Paris cycling advocate Paul Varry has been charged with murder — but America's top-selling newspaper seemingly implied that he's a victim of the "war on cars."
How America’s ‘Soft Power’ Is Shaping Mobility Around the World — And How Cities Like Tirana Are Resisting it
The biggest infrastructure we had to fight to fix was the 10 centimeters between our ears — the mentality, the status symbol that the car brought. "
What the U.S. Can Learn From the ‘Bike Mayor’ of Africa, Manuel de Araújo
What can the U.S. learn from developing countries where car dependency hasn't yet taken root — and from the visionary mayors who are fighting to make sure it never does, even in uncertain times?