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Melanie Curry

Streetsblog California editor Melanie Curry has been thinking about transportation, and how to improve conditions for bicyclists, ever since commuting to school by bike long before bike lanes were a thing. She was Managing Editor at the East Bay Express, editor of Access Magazine for the University of California Transportation Center, and earned her Masters in City Planning from UC Berkeley.

Wednesday’s Headlines

Plastics are environmentally harmful and growing; Police chases kill hundreds of bystanders; Electric truck charging hub opens in SoCal; More

February 28, 2024

Tuesday’s Headlines

Another study says the best way to cut emissions is to cut driving; Fresno County's new General Plan would invite more driving; Why do firefighters oppose safe streets? More

February 27, 2024

Monday’s Headlines

People fight over bike lanes but come around in the end; Drivers getting more distracted; CalEnviroScreen is "flawed"; More

February 26, 2024

New Bills Want to Regulate, Restrict E-bike Riding

Training is important, but requiring a license to ride a e-bike would have other negative consequences.

February 13, 2024

Monday’s Headlines

EPA finalizes limits on particulate pollution; VMT back to pre-COVID levels; SANDAG makes plans to add 200 new freeway miles; More

February 12, 2024

Caltrans Releases Long-Awaited Complete Streets Guidelines

So is Senator Scott Wiener's Complete Streets bill necessary? Yes, it is.

February 9, 2024

Friday’s Headlines

New cross-town freeway opening in Bakersfield; New state legislative leaders announced; More

February 9, 2024

Thursday’s Headlines

Earth already passed that climate threshold; Banning fossil fuels in heating; AVs still causing concern; More

February 8, 2024

Wednesday’s Headlines

Why are we still widening highways, again? The cargo bike effect is real; Reports on the death of intercity bus service are premature; More

February 7, 2024

California Air Resources Board Announces Grants to Study Transportation Gaps

Twelve grants will go to local nonprofits, transit districts, tribal governments, and agencies in under-resourced communities

February 7, 2024