Melanie Curry
Streetsblog California editor Melanie Curry has been thinking about transportation, and how to improve conditions for bicyclists, ever since commuting to school by bike long before bike lanes were a thing. She was Managing Editor at the East Bay Express, editor of Access Magazine for the University of California Transportation Center, and earned her Masters in City Planning from UC Berkeley.
Monday’s Headlines
LA Metro ridership grows; MST responds to Coastal Commission report on proposed BRT project; Cities are trying to cut car use, but states and state funding hampers that; More
Friday’s Headlines
LA's rich transit history is a blueprint for the future; How William traveled from Vancouver to Tijuana on public transit; San Diego transit ridership is rising; More
Thursday’s Headlines
Metrolink says nay to electrification any time soon; Lots of money going out for transportation projects (highway widenings and some sidewalks); That little water shuttle between Oakland and Alameda is really popular; More
Wednesday’s Headlines
Frustrated neighbors try to solve dangerous speeding, but a crash brings in the city; Highway costs outweigh benefits; CTC allocates $1.8B; More
Tuesday’s Headlines
Oakland is first in nation to have 100% electric school buses; Nontrain riders can ride Amtrak buses; Waymos are having "close calls" with crossing guards; More
Governor Vetoes Air Quality Monitoring Bill Because State Would Be on the Hook
So he says
Monday’s Headlines
Glendale passes bike plan; LAX to open transit hub even without people mover; Hyping that hydrogen train; More
Friday’s Headlines
Fresno County sales tax initiative falls apart; Sacramento lowers some speed limits; Sonoma gives commuters gift cars for shifting to sustainable modes; More
Thursday’s Headlines
How e-bikes are shifting the transportation landscape; Driverless cars are honking, waking people; The gas tax is going to have be replaced; More
State Is Still Falling for the Hydrogen Train Con
Caltrans is planning to commit the state to pursuing a technology that is unproven, currently untested, and will involve unknown but extensive future costs.