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CARB Announces Planning, Clean Transportation Grants

The programs are aimed at helping communities work together, make decisions and prioritize clean transportation projects they want to see, and then plan for those projects to be completed.

March 8, 2024

CalBike Summit Preview: Complete Streets Bill Would Require Caltrans to Implement Its Own Policies

Caltrans districts and local cities have bike and pedestrian safety plans, but too often Caltrans uses excuses - including cost and delay - to avoid following them. This bill would stop that practice.

March 7, 2024

California Transportation Agencies Celebrate New CA-Made San Joaquin Train Sets

A ribbon-cutting to mark the "beginning of a truly integrated transportation system" in California.

March 5, 2024

California Launches New Transportation Equity Tool

The Transportation Equity Index calls attention to inequitable distribution of transportation benefits and harms - and creates a new way to map multimodal access

March 4, 2024

CalBike Summit Preview: Complete Streets with Senator Scott Wiener

Register for the Bike Summit soon - but first, here's a preview session

February 29, 2024

To Recruit Transit Workers, More Than Higher Pay Is Needed

Labor shortages continue threatening public transit systems, and a new report adds another layer to the conversation.

February 29, 2024

Eyes on the Street: 8th Street in West Oakland Looking Good

A project to transform 8th from a deadly speedway back into a residential street is making real progress

February 29, 2024

CalBike: Tell the Legislature Hands Off Active Transportation Funding

Calbike has an action alert that allows its members to write directly to legislators with their feelings on whether or not the ATP funding should be restored before the legislature votes on the budget in June.

February 22, 2024

Oakland Rips Out Protected Bike Lane on Embarcadero

The city and the councilmember who represents District 2 complain about lack of resources for safety projects, but somehow they have the resources to rip out protected bike lanes

February 22, 2024