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Transportation Commission: Touting Active Transportation, Approving Highway Expansions

Despite public pleas to stop spending on highway expansion, pro-expansion forces still take the day.

March 28, 2024

With a New Statewide Task Force, California Is Getting Real about Transit Transformation

Meeting California’s ambitious climate goals will require getting people out of cars and on to trains and buses. That shift could require as much as a five-fold to ten-fold increase in transit ridership above pre-COVID levels by 2045.

March 26, 2024

Legislative Update: Some Bills to Watch This Session

It's a good time to take a peek at how sustainable transportation and related topics are showing up on legislators' priorities. Here's a very NON-comprehensive list.

March 26, 2024

CTC: Caltrans Will Push for Funding for Flawed Yolo Causeway Project

Caltrans wants advance funding for a project that hasn't completed the environmental evaluation process, and about which there are serious questions.

March 20, 2024

CalBike releases 2024 Bike Summit Agenda

The biannual Bike Summit will take place April 18-19 in San Diego, and it's packed.

March 15, 2024

Statewide E-bike Incentive Program: How Much Longer?

"Sometime in the second quarter of 2024," and I have some land to sell you.

March 14, 2024

CA High-Speed Rail Hearings: Progress, Plans, and Responding to Critics

The goal remains to complete an initial operating segment of electrified high-speed rail in the Central Valley between 2030 and 2033.

March 13, 2024

Joint Legislative Hearing on Future of California Climate Policies

Cap-and-trade gets a lot of attention, but VMT reduction is equally important. And there is no roadmap for reducing driving.

March 12, 2024

Commentary: The Street Fight Over SUVs in Paris

What are the implications for San Francisco and other cities around the world?

March 8, 2024