Metro/Caltrans L.A. County Freeway Widening Accounted for Over 96 Percent of Recent Home Demolitions Statewide
Southern California has borne the brunt of harmful freeway widening, with L.A. County projects - where Caltrans partnered with Metro - resulting in mass demolition of homes and businesses
New Report Quantifies Five Years of Caltrans Freeway Expansion, including Demolitions
Between 2018 and 2023, Caltrans tore down 623 homes and businesses, to make way for 553 new miles of highway lanes
Where Metro and Caltrans Are Widening L.A. Freeways, Sabotaging the Climate, Fanning the Flames
Climate disruption is here. Right now. It's past time that Southern California transportation heavyweights - Metro and Caltrans - stop making the situation worse
Video: Why We Need a Global Freeway Fighters’ Network
A terrible project in Berlin shows the need for a global network to support local freeway fighters everywhere.
How Caltrans Measures Induced Travel: Comments Open Through Friday
Two key documents that address the ways Caltrans measures and accounts for new travel induced by their projects are being finalized this week.
Eyes on the Street: 57/60 Freeway Confluence Construction in Progress
New off-ramps have begun to sprout out of the dirt, and widening surface streets are going through the growing pains of construction closures
Metro/Caltrans 105 Freeway ExpressLanes Project Would Expand Freeway, Add Pollution to Already Burdened Communities
Metro and Caltrans are planning to expand the current ten-lane 105 Freeway to twelve lanes, plus adding new auxiliary lanes, widening ramps, and widening streets.
Metro and Caltrans Planning to Widen 405 Freeway through Carson, Meetings this Week
Between Wilmington Avenue and Avalon Boulevard, Metro and Caltrans are looking to add four new freeway lane sections at a construction cost totaling at least $90-120 million
Metro and Caltrans 14 Freeway Expansion Project Meetings Delayed
Metro plans to add more general purpose lanes as part of its 14 Freeway expansion project through Santa Clarita - a part of L.A. County that is reeling from triple digit heat