Help Shape Bike Parking in State Building Code
The Building Standards Commission is updating its code, which means it has to update bicycle parking standards. Weigh in!
Caltrain Passes Weekend Test
Power systems held under the full load. Caltrain remains on track for a launch of electric service in September
Legislative Update: Bike Lanes at the Coast, VMT in Rural Areas
Are VMT measures hurting rural areas? Or do they give us a better idea of which projects are sprawl projects?
ClimatePlan Seeks a New Executive Director
This coalition of nonprofits working to shift California's transportation infrastructure towards sustainable and equitable travel is looking for someone to lead their new campaigns
Shifting Gears: Towards a New Way of Thinking About Transportation
Dr. Susan Handy investigates the ideas that have shaped the nation's car-oriented transportation to help uncover what needs to change to get to a safer, more sustainable system
Report: Pedestrian Deaths at a Forty-Year High
Dangerous By Design report shows trends are going in the wrong direction in most metropolitan areas. California is no exception.
Environmental Groups File Suit Against I-80 Highway Expansion
The environmental report for the Yolo Bypass project understates the true impacts of the project, according to the lawsuit
Legislature Rejects Governor’s Proposed Cuts to Active Transportation, Intercity Rail
A quick review of what the legislature wants in the transportation budget
Legislative Update: Bike-Friendly Bills at the Midpoint
The team at the California Bicycle Coalition tracks bills that affect active transportation.
How Bad Is Newsom’s Proposed Cut to the Active Transportation Program? Awful.
It would have zeroed out the entirety of Cycle 7 - but the legislature has rejected the cuts.