New Studies Show No Downsides for Bicycle Safety Stop
As more states continue to pass laws allowing bike riders to treat stop signs like yield signs, more studies showing their safety benefits accumulate.
Cemeteries Push to Bury Forest Lawn Drive Safety Improvements
Forest Lawn and Mount Sinai reps call scaled-back city street improvements a "bad plan" and "permanent traffic disaster"
California Bicycle Advocates Call on Elected Leaders to Protect E-Bike Riders by Curbing Illegal Electric Motorcycles
The California Bicycle Coalition and partners urge leaders to focus on the real threats to safety, and stop hampering the adoption of e-bikes
America Has A New ‘Friendliest’ State for Cycling
...but even the best of the best isn't doing enough to protect people on two wheels, a top advocacy group warns.
New ‘Traffic Monitoring’ Site Consolidates Data on Car Volumes & Speeds
Now anyone can go online and take a look at Telraam data to see car volumes, speeds, and more
Applications for Two Complete Streets Safety Assessment Programs Now Open
UC Berkeley's SafeTREC programs train groups to assess bicycle and pedestrian safety in their communities and identify safety improvements. Agencies and community groups are encouraged to apply.
One Hidden Reason Why Your State DOT Isn’t Building Protected Bike Lanes
"Proven safety countermeasures" might sound like a wonky engineering term, but it could hold the key to unlocking money to save lives.
Open Letter: Berkeley Needs to Add Safety Measures Whenever it Repaves
Advocates in Berkeley demand action after a motorist kills yet another pedestrian on a street badly in need of safety improvements
‘Stars On Cars’ Rating System Will Finally Grade How Safe Vehicles Are For People Their Drivers Hit
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has finally changed the nation's consumer safety rating system for new automobiles to accommodate vulnerable road users.