CA Envisions a Zero-Emission, Connected Rail Network by 2050
And this time the CA State Rail Plan's vision for an electrified, connected network doesn't dismiss catenary wire out of hand.
Four Bay Area Rides to Celebrate Advocacy
Train, bike, walk, roll... this weekend Bay Area advocates have several opportunities to experience their successes
Caltrain Celebrates Electric Service
Some musings about Saturday's Caltrain electrification party and a last victory lap for the start of full service
Caltrain Electric Service Begins…
...and a celebration of a bike-lane victory on Frida Kahlo and Judson
Do Caltrain’s New Trains Have Enough Bike Space?
If a recent ride on a rush hour train of 'electric multiple units' is any indication, the answer to that is a big fat NO
Commentary: Caltrain Electrification is Great. But it’s Hardly ‘Pioneering’ or a ‘First’
While the state rightfully celebrates Caltrain electrification, it's important not to live in a fantasy world. This is bread-and-butter infrastructure. And California is still way behind, thanks to the self-inflicted wounds of the past
Caltrain Starts First Phase of Electric Service
For now, electric trains will be randomly mixed into the existing diesel schedules as the agency prepares for full service
Caltrain Passes Weekend Test
Power systems held under the full load. Caltrain remains on track for a launch of electric service in September