Melanie Curry
Streetsblog California editor Melanie Curry has been thinking about transportation, and how to improve conditions for bicyclists, ever since commuting to school by bike long before bike lanes were a thing. She was Managing Editor at the East Bay Express, editor of Access Magazine for the University of California Transportation Center, and earned her Masters in City Planning from UC Berkeley.
CA Election: Local Transportation Tax Measures
A look at local transportation tax measures, including a couple of dueling parcel tax measures in Berkeley
CalSTA Announces Funding for Rail and Transit Projects
27 projects will receive $1.3 billion from the Transit and Intercity Capital Rail program, funded by the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (cap-and-trade).
Wednesday’s Headlines
How LA can reduce traffic, build housing, and pull off the Olympics; Is there a plan for saving Bay Area transit? More police are using e-bikes to pull over cars; More
High-Speed Rail Open House on Wednesday
Tuesday’s Headlines
Not much progress in the hydrogen space, but CA is still investing; Caltrans creates equity tool; Saving BART; More
California Transportation Commission Is Ignoring Complete Streets Law
CTC is pushing to finish SHOPP guidelines before the Complete Streets law goes into effect.
Monday’s Headlines
Why widening highways doesn't reduce traffic; Road deaths rival the number of homicides; San Diego transit fare evaders face $25 fine; Stop relying on GPS; More
Friday’s Headlines
Money for clean transportation projects and highways; Petaluma offers free on-demand rideshare; Waymo tries to nudge riders to take transit; More
Thursday’s Headlines
City trades a car lot for a park; Interagency Equity Advisory Committee looking for applicants; OCTA allocates $$ for local transportation; More