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Melanie Curry

Streetsblog California editor Melanie Curry has been thinking about transportation, and how to improve conditions for bicyclists, ever since commuting to school by bike long before bike lanes were a thing. She was Managing Editor at the East Bay Express, editor of Access Magazine for the University of California Transportation Center, and earned her Masters in City Planning from UC Berkeley.

Wednesday’s Headlines

Permanent car-free Hayes St? No right turns on red? And why aren't new cars safer for people outside them? Carbon pollution costs a lot; More

September 27, 2023

California Has to Stop Building Freeways. Now.

"People aren't used to thinking of freeways as fossil fuel infrastructure, but they are." And once built, there's no going back, no making up for the extra driving by trying to convince people that a bus or train might be a better choice - we're stuck with it.

September 26, 2023

Tuesday’s Headlines

Newsom vetoes bill to require a human operator in driverless truck testing on public roads; Santa Crux goes all-on for hydrogen; Why CA is taking Big Oil to court; More

September 26, 2023

Caltrans Explains Why VMT – Vehicle Miles Traveled – Is Such a Concern

And then turns around and says: oh, but new freight truck traffic induced by new highway capacity doesn't count! Really, Caltrans?

September 22, 2023

Friday’s Headlines

Replace delivery trucks with e-cargo bikes, already; Carbon offsets are the opposite of helpful; Republicans push USDOT not to fund CA HSR; More

September 22, 2023

Thursday’s Headlines

The joys and risks of walking; Why is Fresno building so much parking? How much will breaking the law cost if you get caught by a speed camera? More

September 21, 2023

Wednesday’s Headlines

Walkable cities are a necessity; Tire emissions are worse than you think; Rethinking transportation systems; More

September 20, 2023

Caltrans “Shakeup” Is a Bad Sign

Why was one of Caltrans' most staunch advocates for sanity within Caltrans "reassigned"?

September 19, 2023

Tuesday’s Headlines

How Exxon twisted climate science for profit; How industrial polluters are avoiding consequences; Affordable housing is easier to build in CA; More

September 19, 2023