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Find Out How Much Your State Would Benefit From Cutting Car Travel

A new calculator demonstrates the power of VMT reduction in just a few clicks — and helps advocates fight for policies to make it possible.

March 11, 2024

Monday’s Headlines

Low-traffic neighborhood see huge health benefits; How transportation funding is used to manipulate cities; Proposed FHWA rule would require pedestrian, bike safety assessments; More

March 11, 2024

Metro’s Orwellian Take: Adding Miles of New Lanes to the 710 Freeway Is Not Expanding the Freeway

Metro claims "no [710 Freeway] expansion whatsoever" - and - at the same time Metro says they won't rule out demolishing homes

March 8, 2024

Commentary: The Street Fight Over SUVs in Paris

What are the implications for San Francisco and other cities around the world?

March 8, 2024

Friday’s Headlines

Today is International Women's Day. Women are increasing their numbers in the CA legislature; Build good bike infrastructure, and people will ride; How corporations won the fight to keep their polluting secret; More

March 8, 2024

CARB Announces Planning, Clean Transportation Grants

The programs are aimed at helping communities work together, make decisions and prioritize clean transportation projects they want to see, and then plan for those projects to be completed.

March 8, 2024

How to Find America’s Missing Bus Shelters

America is full of sorry bus stops — but advocates and agencies don't always know exactly how many need some TLC. A new study used the power of AI to fill that gap.

March 7, 2024

Awesome Bike Lanes Coming to El Cerrito

San Pablo Avenue around El Cerrito Del Norte BART is getting some kick-ass bike infrastructure. Is this the first step towards making the length of San Pablo a street that's safe for all?

March 7, 2024

Thursday’s Headlines

Voters approve LA's Measure HLA for bike and bus lanes; Some passenger rail service returns to dan Clemente area; What Bay Area residents want in terms of transportation; More

March 7, 2024

CalBike Summit Preview: Complete Streets Bill Would Require Caltrans to Implement Its Own Policies

Caltrans districts and local cities have bike and pedestrian safety plans, but too often Caltrans uses excuses - including cost and delay - to avoid following them. This bill would stop that practice.

March 7, 2024