Transportation Funding
California Transportation Commission Relents, Adds Complete Streets Requirements to Funding Program Guidelines
The State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP), the state's largest highway funding program, makes some moves to include S.B. 960 requirements
California’s Federal Dollars Will Increase Emissions
In almost every state, federal funding on highway expansions far outstrips spending on transit, active transportation, electrification, and all other programs that aim to reduce emissions. California is no exception.
State Transit Transformation Task Force Defers Recommendations for Seamless Transit
The State Transit Transformation Task Force did not move forward with recommendations to coordinate fares and schedules after transit agency pushback. More clarity is needed to emphasize that funding is paramount.
Tackling Transportation Emissions Requires Focus on Transit
California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard has flown under the radar for a long time, and recently has come under attack. But if California is serious about climate action, we must clean up our fuel supply while also reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.