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Tuesday’s Headlines

Bay Area transit transformation already starting, but regional bond measure is in trouble because South Bay doesn't want to participate; High-speed rail EIR released; More

May 28, 2024

Register Your Bike. It’s Easy, It’s Free, and It Helps Everyone

Bike Index, a free national bike registry, just launched an iOS app to make it even easier

May 23, 2024

No Driver, Mo’ Problems: Advocates Demand AV Regulations

And federal probes into self-driving vehicles after crashes and fires are not making a great case for the future of autonomous vehicles.

May 23, 2024

Four Things I’m Thinking About Transportation in L.A.

Streetsblog's favorite UCLA expert weighs in on Waymo, Cubic, 2028, active transportation funding - and invites you to UCLA Transportation Camp unconference on June 8

May 23, 2024

Thursday’s Headlines

Newsom's budget proposal puts corporate profits over people; Big deadline tomorrow; Transit agencies need lots of new maintenance workers; More

May 23, 2024

City Repaved Coronado Street Without Measure HLA-Required Bikeway

Months after voters overwhelmingly demanded safer streets, the city appears to be installing fewer safety upgrades. Last week, the city repaved what appears to be the first test case for the new law: Coronado Street.

May 22, 2024

Warren’s ‘Build Green’ Act Could Give Transit the Funding Left Out of Biden’s Climate Push

What would it take to give $500 billion to U.S. transit agencies — and why didn't Congress do it the last time they had a chance?

May 22, 2024

Wednesday’s Headlines

Debate over ATP funding goes on; Bay Area fare payment upgrade delayed; How some cities are actually cutting emissions; More

May 22, 2024

California Transportation Commission Lauds Active Transportation Program

But if it's pushing the legislature to fully fund the program, its efforts are muted

May 21, 2024