- Thousands Rally in the Streets and Highways of LA Against Trump Immigration (LAT)
- Riverside and Orange Counties Too (OC Register)
- Muni Cuts Service (SFChron, CBSBayArea)
- S.F. Considers Raising Parking Rates (SFGate)
- Is It Safe to Breathe in LA? (LAT)
- WeHo Planning Connections to Future Subway (Urbanize)
- Trump/Duffy Move to Scrap Fuel Efficiency Standards (SBUSA)
- Fed. Funding Freeze Crippled States Reliant on Fed. Funding (Governing)
- Sacramento Ramps Up Criminal Citations to People Experiencing Homeleness (SacBee)
- Driver Arrested After Assaulting Cyclist (FresnoBee)
For more headlines: SBLA, SBSF, SBUSA
Image: Steve Rhodes/Flickr