- Strike for Black Lives today (LA Times)
- Housing crisis for Black people is getting worse (LA Times)
- We're taking essential workers for granted (SF Chronicle)
- SF Supervisors want to control funds from a ballot measure for Caltrain (SF Chronicle)
- Facebook abets misinformation about climate (Heated)
- Court blocks Trump challenge to cap-and-trade (Times of San Diego, EcoWatch)
- States get together to jump-start transition to electric trucks and buses (KTLA)
- Air conditioning systems need to be cleaner - they produce too many GHGs (Gizmodo)
- CARB to (slightly) dial back requirements for Uber, Lyft to go electric (KQED)
- City of Imperial approves grant application to fund enhanced crosswalks (The Desert Review)
More California headlines at Streetsblog LA and Streetsblog SF