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Eyes on the Street: New Green Paint at Emeryville Public Market

Newly painted green bike lanes are being used in Emeryville. All photos by Melanie Curry/Streetsblog

The new stores are not yet open, and a large housing complex is incomplete, but the city of Emeryville has opened up the new configuration of Shellmound Street near the Public Market. It now loops past the Market through what had been the parking lot, and incorporates bright green parking-protected bike lanes that rise to sidewalk level and loop behind the new bus stops.

The bike lanes loop behind the new bus stops, which feature a wide waiting area, shelter, and plantings.
The bike lanes loop behind the new bus stops, which feature a wide waiting area, shelter, and plantings.

The bus stops now have shelter and benches and a wide place to wait for the bus, instead of the former configuration which left bus riders standing almost in the street. The new GoBike station next to the Public Market, conveniently located next to the new southbound bike lane on the same side of Shellmound as the Market, is seeing a lot of use.

A bike share hub is conveniently located next to the Public Market.
A bike share hub is conveniently located next to the Public Market.

Other newness: wayfinding for pedestrians and bicyclists, deep bioswales to collect rainwater, and a few clearly marked parking spots inset into the plantings, leaving the rest of the street free of parked cars. The parking lot is now on the other side of Shellmound, with clearly marked pedestrian crossings. Those who choose to drive and park transform into pedestrians as they approach the Market, adding to the overall feel of a much calmer, people-oriented space.

The green paint makes it super clear, finally, that bikes have a place to wait at the light to the left of right-turning cars.
The green paint makes it super clear, finally, that bikes have a place to wait at the light to the left of right-turning cars.

Overall, the changes bring a dramatic difference in feel to Shellmound; what had been a vehicle through-way now has a walkable, pedestrian-oriented scale.

Parts of the lanes are parking- and bioswale-protected.
Parts of the lanes are parking- and bioswale-protected.
Bus stop, green lane, wayfinding, bike share
Bus stop-protected green lane, wayfinding, wide sidewalk, bike share
The parking lot behind the fence is not quite finished, but meanwhile there are a few parking spots inset in the curb across from the Market.
The parking lot behind the fence is not quite finished, but meanwhile there are a few parking spots inset in the curb across from the Market.
The area is not quite finished.
The area is not quite finished.

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