- Pedestrian-blaming is a thing: Biloxi thinks two crosswalks are too much (Sun Herald), witnesses call pedestrians “lazy” for not protecting themselves with faded paint at crosswalks (KITV), and engineers won't do anything (Systemic Failure)
- Coachella Valley transit agency orders more electric buses with cap-and-trade money (Mass Transit)
- Santa Cruz needs to do same (Mass Transit)
- San Mateo considers shuttles to increase reach of transit (Patch)
- LAO report: Cap-and-trade could raise a lot of money (LA Times)
- In Paris, former gov Schwarzenegger rides a bike, says Trump alone--not U.S.--pulled out of climate accords (The Hill)
- More on mileage fee to replace gas tax (ABC10)
- Gas tax fuels 2018 election fight (Capitol Weekly)
- Cal Poly SLO recognized for the first time as Bicycle Friendly University (Cal Poly News)
- Lime Bike debuts dockless bike-sharing on Alameda island: one group “group reported a woman in a cocktail dress, riding recklessly and laughing. It sounded like Trouble with a capital T” (Alameda Magazine)
- The great bicycle helmet controversy (Streets.mn)
- Neil DeGrasse Tyson on urban heat islands (The Dirt)
More California headlines at Streetsblog LA and Streetsblog SF