- Lawsuit ties up Santa Clara Measure B transit funds (Mercury News)
- Bills could fix unfair traffic fine penalties (Mercury News)
- Help map bicycle needs for new Napa Valley Bike Plan (Napa Valley Register)
- San Jose residents look for pedestrian safety solutions (Mercury News)
- Victim blaming is so easy: Now there's a push to ticket pedestrians for using cellphones in California (CBS)
- This is the real Idaho stop law: It's not a free-for-all (Idaho Statesman)
- Cap-and-trade deal includes lots of money for electric vehicles (LA Times)
- Study: How 90 companies helped fuel climate change (Inside Climate News)
- Report: How some companies are making it look like they're fighting climate change (Washington Post)
- Cars and bikes and the fatal myth of equal reciprocity (The Conversation)
More California headlines at Streetsblog LA and Streetsblog SF