- Myth Busters: No, increasing road capacity does not cut GHG emissions (City Observatory)
- Ford Go-Bike set to launch in Bay Area, along with competitor bike-share companies (San Francisco Magazine)
- Lessons from the '70s bike boom (Curbed)
- Palo Alto's new budget signals shift in transportation (Palo Alto Online)
- CA Supreme Court upholds cap-and-trade (LA Times, SF Gate, Reuters)
- Is California selling climate illusions? (Medium)
- Governor Brown is giving the oil industry a say on climate efforts (In These Times)
- There's a war between housing activists in S.F. (Slate)
- Cyclists are not a separate species (Bicycle Network)
- There's money to fix rural roads, but it won't happen overnight (Union Democrat)
More California headlines at Streetsblog LA and Streetsblog SF