- Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority considers raising and restructuring transit fares (Mercury News)
- BART wants to ask voters for a bridge toll hike (SF Chronicle)
- Report: Riding transit takes twice as long as driving (Governing)
- Republicans present a transportation plan that would focus on “traffic relief”—that is, road building—and on not charging drivers (Sacramento Bee)
- Legislative Analyst Office releases report recommending cap-and-trade extension (OC Breeze)
- Republican threats to Caltrain funding could cripple growth (Tech Crunch)
- Google has a patent for a system to reduce injuries when people are struck by cars (Silicon Beat)
- To get enforcement help, Napa raises rural speed limits, because—safety. Not a joke. (Napa Valley Register)
- Book review: Richard Florida's “Creative Class” take-back (California Planning and Development Report)
- Researchers examine race factors in car crashes with people (NPR)
- How Bakersfield's bad air could get worse (Guardian)
More California headlines at Streetsblog LA and Streetsblog SF