- Creative solution for potholes: Counties test what happens when you rip out the paving (Press Democrat) (Wired)
- Cap-and-trade amendments:
- Proposed amendments lower cap dramatically (Bloomberg)
- Which industry sectors are affected (JDSupra)
- Links to tropical deforestation set aside for now (Friends of the Earth)
- CARB rejects VW's recall plan as inadequate (CBS)
- Pictures: creative crosswalks around the world (Guardian)
- A new life for urban alleys (CityLab)
- California should stay the course on the low carbon fuel policy (Trucks.com)
- Study: AAA finds nearly eighty percent of drivers have bad road rage (Science Daily)
- Oakland gives affordable housing preference to displaced residents (East Bay Times)
- Senators call for federal investigation of Airbnb (CurbedSF)
- Are Uber and Lyft transit—so people can use tax-free benefits to pay for them? (Slate)
More California headlines at Streetsblog LA and Streetsblog SF