- Four different train crashes in the Bay Area on Tuesday (InsideBayArea)
- A look at the new high density neighborhoods near SF's Transbay Transit Center (Urban Land Institute)
- Transit-adjacent development isn't Transit Oriented Development (Vibrant Bay Area)
- Should sprawling San Diego be eligible for cap-and-trade funds? (Next City)
- Reforming CEQA (Itinerant Urbanist)
- Tesla introduces its new autopilot (Jalopnik)
- A history of Europe's disastrous love affair with diesel (Vox)
- Caltrans seeks volunteer drivers, including truckers, for pay-as-you-go pilot (Transport Topics)
- California must overhaul its transportation system to meet environmental goals (Government Technology/LA Times)
- Alternative fuel grants available in CA (Next-Gen Transportation)
More California headlines at Streetsblog LA and Streetsblog SF