Today #DamienTalks with Joe Biel and Elly Blue with Microcosm Publishing. The duo is producing the eight-part Groundswell Movies focused on community-based bicycle advocacy (as opposed to activist-based bike advocacy) and how it's worked in cities throughout the country.
Streetsblog has helped roll out the series, although we aren't officially part of the project. Streetsblog USA profiled Groundswell last month. Streetsblog L.A. debuted Building Stories: City Planning with James Rojas earlier today.
If you haven't watched any of the movies yet, you're in for a treat. I've found them fascinating. A League of Their Own, the first film in the series, is really must-see for anyone interested in the history of bicycle advocacy.
And, for anyone listening just because they know me, you will enjoy listening to me totally flub a question asked of me about 5 minutes into the podcast.
We’re always looking for sponsors, show ideas, and feedback. You can contact me at, at twitter @damientypes, online at Streetsblog California or on Facebook at StreetsblogCA.
Thanks for listening. You can download the episode at the Damien Talks homepage on Libsyn.