- More on Deb Hubsmith (Marin Independent Journal)
- Orinda to add green paint to that lousy bike lane, but won't consider removing the turn lane that crosses it (Oakland Tribune)
- Praise for new path in San Rafael that connects bikes to transit center and downtown (Marinscope)
- Study: Every dollar spent on Muni generates $2-3 for local economy (Examiner)
- New AC Transit general manager is from Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (San Jose Mercury News)
- Central Valley air officials, anticipating surge in traffic when school starts, urge drivers not to let their cars idle—or better yet, to walk (Modesto Bee)
- Jerry Brown urges agreement on transportation funding (LA Times) (Bakersfield Now)
- Big companies say that taxes are needed to fix transportation (Sacramento Business Journal)
- Small Business California endorses climate change bill (YubaNet)
- but conservatives cry that without their polluting gas guzzlers the economy will collapse (Fox and Hounds)
- and the oil industry puts out a bunch of hooha (LA Times) (Union of Concerned Scientists)
- Feds threaten to withdraw grants to California transit agencies because of pension reform bill (Oakland Tribune)
- Hyperloop to break ground on a 5-mile test track in 2016 (NBC)
More California headlines at Streetsblog LA and Streetsblog SF