- Fresno rejects bus ad that highlights disparities in the amount of parkland throughout the city (Valley Public Radio)
- Rancho Cucamonga develops bike, walk plan (Daily Bulletin)
- Map of proposed bike-share station locations in Sacramento is released (Capital Public Radio)
- Alternative to 710 tunnel includes bike lanes, better transit (LA Times)
- California Transportation Foundation names Alameda County Transportation Commission “Organization of the Year” (The Independent)
- New research on women and bicycling found a smaller "gender gap" than previous studies, plus other surprising results (People for Bikes) (Bicycle Retailer)
- More about Fresno meeting on transportation funding (Valley Public Radio) (Your Central Valley)
- New Streetfilm: A guided busway in England (Streetfilms)
- Electric tuk-tuks are being manufactured in Denver (Citiscope)
More California headlines at Streetsblog LA and Streetsblog SF