- Santa Barbara to update its Bicycle Master Plan (Independent)
- Rail comeback in Orange County? (LA Times)
- San Francisco considers subsidizing middle-class housing rentals (San Francisco Business Times)
- Mark your calendar for a bike ride on the Golden Gate Bridge: Doyle Drive to close for a weekend (SF Chronicle)
- What a “Creative” neighborhood looks like (CityLab)
- Study: It's six times more expensive to travel by car than by bike. But we knew that. (Science Daily)
- We still use bicycles to adapt to cities, not to create them: The Promise of Bicycle Urbanism (video) (The Urbanist)
- Want to build a tiny house? Have to meet parking requirements? You may end up with more space for your car than for your family (Vox)
- Yet more errors in the LA Times article on high speed rail fares (CAHSR)
- Report: Transit times longer for people of color (StarTribune)
More California headlines at Streetsblog LA and Streetsblog SF