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Transportation Funding

What Is to Become of Southern California’s Coastal Rail Corridor?

Legislative committee gets an update: Emergency repairs are done, and now there will be more studying of the problems.

August 16, 2023

California Transit Policies and Regulations Need Updating

A statewide, transit-first policy, in writing, would incorporate all of these notions.

August 10, 2023

Caltrans Carbon Reduction Strategy: We Must Drive Less

The draft Carbon Reduction Strategy is being circulated for public comment by August 18.

August 8, 2023

How Can Buses Be Sped Up?

And what state and regional agencies plan to do about it

July 28, 2023

CA Wins Federal Grants to Support Transit in “Areas of Persistent Poverty”

These are competitive grants for planning, engineering, or developing transit service improvements in historically disadvantaged communities.

July 24, 2023

New CA Bill Would Provide Relief for Bay Area Transit

S.B. 532 would raise tolls on local bridges and allocate that money for transit

June 26, 2023

There’s a Budget with Transit Funding, But Negotiations Aren’t Over

The question isn't really whether Newsom will sign off; the question is what will end up in "trailer bills" - which, as their name suggests, trail along after the budget is signed and fill in details left out of the budget itself.

June 16, 2023

Recommendations for Gas-Tax-Funded Programs Announced

California Transportation Commission will consider adoption of staff recommendations for Solutions for Congested Corridors, Trade Corridors Enhancement, and Local Partnership programs at their June meeting.

June 9, 2023

Op-ed: Consolidate the Bay Area’s Transit Agencies

Legislators considering allocating funding are right to be asking for a plan for financial sustainability and ridership growth. It is also reasonable to question whether Bay Area transit, which is delivered by 27 transit independent operators with no requirements for coordination, is optimally structured to deliver the best possible, most efficient service to the public in the near- and long-term.

May 31, 2023

State Leaders Rally for Transit Funding in Budget

With only a few weeks left to finalize a budget, transit agencies warn they may have to make deep service cuts as soon as this summer

May 30, 2023