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Transportation Funding

Five Ways to Pull U.S. Transit Agencies Out of the Fiscal ‘Death Spiral’

Turning the transit industry's "doom spiral" into a "virtuous cycle" will require rethinking the foundations of how we fund mass transportation — and adding a whole lot of service

November 2, 2023

CA Is Drafting its Interregional Transportation Improvement Program and Wants Your Input

Two hearings (Wednesday November 1 and November 8) discuss the program's purpose and take public comments on interregional transportation needs

October 31, 2023

Caltrans Approves $192M for Clean Transit

The money will be awarded from the state's Low Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP), which is funded by California's cap-and-trade system.

October 30, 2023

California Transportation Commission Chair: “Widen Freeways for the People”

Widening highways now is a way to keep the status quo in place for years into the future, when we need to change that status quo with alacrity.

October 24, 2023

Highways to Hell: How One Country is Rethinking Road Investment

The Wales Roads Review – an unprecedented examination of whether investment in over fifty local road schemes should continue – signals high-profile change by the Welsh Government, prompted by the climate emergency.

October 9, 2023

Update on Arguello: State to Provide $1.2 Million for Protected Bike Lanes

Money's now available for yet another safety project on Arguello--will SFMTA finally install protected bike lanes?

October 9, 2023

California Spends Too Little on Environmentally Friendly Transportation Options

A new analysis from the Natural Resources Defense Council found that California allocates less than twenty percent of available transportation funding to low-carbon modes - despite climate and livability goals to increase walking, biking, and transit as modes of choice. At the same time, the state is still investing in highway expansion.

October 5, 2023

Guest Opinion: Ten Years In, CA Active Transportation Program Lays Bare a Tale of Two Agencies

L.A. County needs to embrace physically-protected bikeways, robust traffic calming around schools, and similarly transformative, safety-focused projects

September 29, 2023

Pols: Congress Must Bolster Sustainable Commutes to Reduce Carbon and Congestion

The feds should bolster sustainable commuting modes and transportation demand management strategies.

September 26, 2023

Bill to Fund Transit with Bridge Toll Hike Paused

While some Bay Area legislators supported the idea of raising bridge tolls to help fund transit, there was enough opposition that its author, Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), decided to put S.B. 532 on ice for now.

August 21, 2023