Governor Newsom
Newsom Orders Suspension of CEQA for Fire Rebuilds
Is the California Environmental Quality Act - theoretically written to prevent disasters like these fires - really the big barrier holding back a rebuild?
Ding! Governor Vetos Bill That Would Have Required Alert for Speeding Drivers
“If the Governor knew what it felt like to wake up each day without your child because of a speeding driver, he wouldn’t have hesitated for a single moment to sign this bill,”
Governor Newsom Signs Three Bills Restricting Oil and Gas Wells Near People
Three new laws will help protect people living near oil and gas facilities, and one overrides a court decision blocking local control over gas wells.
Active Transportation Program Cut Because Administration Wants to Prioritize Highways
The Newsom administration wants to cut the ATP because Caltrans is tired of having its state highway funding tapped.
California Leaders Celebrate Ten Years of Climate Action
Air Resources Board report highlights progress funded by the California Cap-and-Trade Program
Sudden State Funding Freeze Leaves Transit Agencies Hanging
Transit agencies were caught off guard by a 60-day funding freeze announced on the day they were expecting the allocations
Legislative Update: Governor Is Powering Through Bills
Decriminalizing fare evasion and sidewalk riding bills killed; Transparency and climate accountability bills signed; More to come
All Kinds of Safety and Sustainability Bills Made it to the Governor’s Desk
And some have been held for next year
There’s a Budget with Transit Funding, But Negotiations Aren’t Over
The question isn't really whether Newsom will sign off; the question is what will end up in "trailer bills" - which, as their name suggests, trail along after the budget is signed and fill in details left out of the budget itself.