Transit Operating Costs
With a New Statewide Task Force, California Is Getting Real about Transit Transformation
Meeting California’s ambitious climate goals will require getting people out of cars and on to trains and buses. That shift could require as much as a five-fold to ten-fold increase in transit ridership above pre-COVID levels by 2045.
Agencies Need to Use Federal Funding to Buy Land for Transit Oriented Development
Transit agencies do not prioritize transit-adjacent housing development often because they lack funding to acquire land.
Could This Bill Finally Give Transit Agencies the Operations Funding They Need?
Is it finally time for Congress to spend more to keep the buses and trains running?
Five Ways to Pull U.S. Transit Agencies Out of the Fiscal ‘Death Spiral’
Turning the transit industry's "doom spiral" into a "virtuous cycle" will require rethinking the foundations of how we fund mass transportation — and adding a whole lot of service
‘Bidenomics’: Feds Seek to Promote Commercial Conversions Into Affordable Transit-Friendly Housing
The federal government is going back to the future to help solve three problems: vacant office space, global warming and high housing costs.