Metro Postpones Bus Lane Automated Ticketing
Automated bus lane enforcement improves bus speeds and increases ridership. Metro had announced its automated ticketing program would start citations on January 1, then pushed the start date to February 17.
Best of 2024: Rural America Has Non-Drivers, Too
This year, let's set a resolution to do right by the countless U.S. residents who live outside of cities without cars.
Road Warrior: This Man Biked to Every National Park in the Lower 48
Spencer McCullough biked to all 51 national parks in the lower 48 states, a 411-day, 18,247-mile cross-country adventure that revealed a lot about the state of bike tourism in this car-loving country.
Best of 2024: Giving Americans More Transportation Options Could Save Them $6.2 Trillion
Yes, confronting car dependency can help cure climate change. But it can also put money back in Americans' pockets.
Best of 2024: Six Reasons Why SUVs and Pick-Ups Are So Deadly
Size isn't everything — but it doesn't help.
Best of 2024: The Real (Disappointing) Reason Why Gen Z Is Getting Fewer Drivers Licenses
Yes, fewer young adults are getting behind the wheel. No, it doesn't mean car culture is doomed.
Best of 2024: Yes, People Bike In ‘Bad’ Weather — If We Support Them
Good policy can mean the difference between people getting in the saddle or not — even when Mother Nature is at her worst.
Monday’s Headlines
SF surpasses pedestrian fatality record; Super73 sued for marketing its products as e-bikes; New state laws coming into effect in 2025; More
New Metro Subway Railcars Started Service Today
Streetsblog got a special preview ride today. Have you ridden Metro's new "HR4000" heavy rail cars yet?
Letter to Readers: Happy Holidays and Thoughts on the Year’s Takeaways
2024 will be remembered as a seminal year for San Francisco streets