Letter to Readers: Happy Holidays and Thoughts on the Year’s Takeaways
2024 will be remembered as a seminal year for San Francisco streets
Opinion: Why I’m Hopeful About Vision Zero, Even Post-Election
"We all know that change is hard, especially at a time when the nation seems so divided. But keeping our loved ones safe is a universal goal."
Mixed News for Local Measures
Transform sums up the wins and losses on state and local ballots
Transportation Reform Advocates Have a Plan to Win — Even During the Next Trump Era
"We're going to take the fury that powers us after this moment … and we're going to change transportation in this country forever.”
At Least Local Transit Initiatives Won Big in Tuesday’s Election
Last Tuesday's election wasn't all bad news for transit.
Sustainable Transportation Advocates React to the Trump Victory
Some sustainable transportation advocates took to social media following the election to share their fears — and hopes — for life under the next administration.
Presidential Elections Hinge on Gas Prices. Why Not on the High Cost of Car Dependency?
Policymakers must prioritize making car-light living a real option through policies that encourage building more housing in multimodal communities and retrofitting unimodal neighborhoods around people outside cars.
A Last Look at the Role of Sustainable Transportation in the Race to the White House
Let's take a look back at how the candidates have governed and talked about car culture so far.