- Yes, we saw the Trump/HSR stuff. We'll have more on that later this morning.
- Caltrans Still Not in Compliance on Law Banning Sharrows on Fast Streets (Calbike)***
- SD Redoing Street Design Manual (10 News)
- Op/Ed: SF Bike Plan Big on Goals, Short on Details (Frisc)
- Reconstruction of Street in SD Business District Causing Hardships (Union-Trib)
- Review of America's First (Last?) Reconnecting Communities Projects (SBUSA)
- Newsom Offers Trip to DC to Talk Fire Aid with Trump (LB Post)
- Free Parking in Orange's Old Town Coming to an End (OC Register)
- The Trump Threatens 1,000 EPA Employee's Jobs (New York Times)
- Feds. Remove References to Progressive Trans from USDOT.GOV (Slate)
- "Think Globally, Act Locally." (Rolling Stone)
- Another LAPD Officer Arrested for Hit and Run/DUI (LAT)
For more headlines: SBLA, SBSF, SBUSA
*** Correction: I made a mistake reading the article and the headline is incorrect, Caltrans isn’t out of compliance. The law on Class III bikeways just went into effect and CalBike is working with Caltrans on updating the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) to reflect the change.