- Transit in crisis, and how to save it (Vox)
- FTA announces disaster relief funding for transit (Planetizen)
- LA Daily News searches for reasons why LA Metro rail plans were not funded by the state
- "Clean Air Conversations" will focus on transit (Pasadena Now)
- Legislature passes bill to investigate oil price gouging with alacrity (LA Times, Mercury News, Sacramento Bee, AP)
- City of Santa Clarita prepares to go all-in on hydrogen (Signal SCV)
- San Diego to receive $37M in state funds to stabilize bluffs above rail line (RT&S)
- SF announces new plan to add housing downtown (SF Chronicle)
- To reduce crime, end evictions (Jacobin)
- Do people really want sprawl? (Planetizen)
- Parking lots eat cities (Big Think)
- Regulate SUVs to death (Financial Times)
- To get more women to bike, have women design better bike infrastructure (The Conversation)
- Salinas' local newspaper has no reporters (LA Times)
Find more California headlines at Streetsblog LA and Streetsblog SF