It was the second post-COVID CicLAvia, after a relatively small Wilmington route in August. On Sunday October 10, CicLAvia returned to its "Heart of L.A." route that traverses Boyle Heights, Chinatown, Downtown, Little Tokyo, MacArthur Park, and Pico Union. The date commemorated the very first CicLAvia, which took place on October 10, 2010, along a very similar route.
Several factors came together for a great event that brought together tens of thousands of participants - of all sizes, shapes, ages, and ethnicities - on foot, bike, skates, scooters, and more. The weather was sunny and cool. The pandemic risks feel like they are on the wane. The central L.A. route was very easy to access via Metro.
There were lots of familiar aspects for CicLAvia veterans: Mariachi Plaza, the Fourth Street Bridge over the L.A. River, noble historic buildings, bustling hubs, crowded eateries, street vendors, smiling families, and more. Also there were a few new twists: free vaccinations, a tandem-bike-powered karaoke platform - called the BiciCrófono L.Á., and more.

Readers - how was your CicLAvia experience last Sunday?