From the bottom of our hearts, thank you all for a very successful End of the Year Fundraising Drive across California! Over the weekend, we received word that the Craigslist Charitable Fund will award Streetsblog a $25,000 grant to help with general operations in the Bay Area 2021, raising our total for the End of the Year Drive to support Streetsblog throughout California to around $55,000.
We couldn’t have done this without each and every one of the individual donations we received for Streetsblog and we want to thank you all for all your support, be it a donation, a post on social media, or even just reading and commenting on an article.
This year, COVID crushed our spring and summer fundraisers, as it did for many nonprofits, and you responded to our fundraising call for help, letting us know that you want Streetsblog to remain open and strong.
And it means the world to all of us. A journalist of Melanie's caliber can find work anywhere, but she's here because she believe that what Streetsblog does is important. Knowing all of you feel the same way is truly affirming.
Now if you’re reading this and feel like you missed out and want to make a donation, don't hold back. Just click here to get started!