- Transportation funding should incentivize sustainable transportation, not pretend to be a “fair share” user fee system (Mobility Lab)
- Nine states and D.C. to create cap-and-trade program for transportation emissions (Scientific American, Gizmodo)
- The Washington campaign to undermine CA's authority over autonomous vehicles (LA Times)
- Golden Gate Bridge tolls could climb to near $10 by 2023 (SF Chronicle)
- Caltrans assesses climate risk for the San Joaquin Valley (Bakersfield.com)
- More about CPUC oversight shift on electrification of transportation (Green Tech Media)
- Youth discount on BART fares proves popular (BART)
- Devin Nunes' war on the Fresno Bee and the news (GQ)
- Evidence of rent gouging by greedy landlords after fires (LAist)
More California headlines at Streetsblog LA and Streetsblog SF