Happy Earth Day, that one day each year when we're supposed to officially acknowledge the importance of the environment—which, since we ignore it the rest of the year, is in dire need of the attention.
- California EPA launches online system to help residents report environmental problems (CalEPA)
- The price of garbage people dump on the highways (ABC7)
- A solution to biking in really bad weather (The Washington Post)
- Could the future of electric cars be bikes? (BusinessGreen)
- San Mateo complains it's not getting its fair share of “congestion relief” projects (San Mateo Daily Journal)
- High-speed rail officials tinker with plan (Sacramento Bee)
- NACTO releases new guidance on bike-share station placement (NACTO)
- The disconnect between liberal aspirations and liberal housing policies is killing coastal cities (Better Institutions)
More California headlines at Streetsblog LA and Streetsblog SF