- The dream of a cross-border bike lane (Voice of San Diego)
- Committee formed to avoid lawsuit on bike path along SMART train (Marin Independent Journal)
- Redwood City to adopt affordable housing fee (San Mateo Daily Journal)
- More on Caltrans' “new thinking” on road expansion/induced demand (Gov Tech)
- Getting public involvement in planning is a lot harder than you think (California Planning and Development Report)
- California is a model for dealing with climate change but still has plenty of work to do at home (Cal Matters)
- The good, the bad, and the ugly in the new federal transportation bill (T4 America)
- How cycling could help the Paris climate talks change the world (Guardian)
- Study finds global bike ownership declining (Medical Express)
- Rethinking terms transportation planners use all the time (Planetizen)
- Living near transit might be good for your mental health (CityLab)
- Awesome fake ads in Paris: “VW: We're sorry we got caught" (Good)
More California headlines at Streetsblog LA and Streetsblog SF