Breaking News: Assemblymember Mike Gatto just announced that A.B. 8 was signed by Governor Jerry Brown! Official statements are anticipated soon from Brown and Gatto, but the hit-and-run alert system bill is now state law! Kudos to Governor Brown and Assemblymember Gatto! From Gatto's statement on Facebook:
Governor Brown has signed A.B. 8, my bill to enable law enforcement to engage the public to catch Hit-and-Run perpetrators, by using our state's existing network of Changeable Network Signs (lighted signs on freeways). A similar bill was vetoed just last year, but your persistence paid off! Thank you to all of you for supporting this very common-sense piece of legislation.

Earlier today, on the steps of Los Angeles City Hall, Assemblymember Mike Gatto hosted a rally to call for California Governor Jerry Brown to approve the bill. Gatto was joined by active transportation and health advocates, and by hit-and-run victims and their families.
Last year Brown vetoed a similar bill, A.B. 47, citing concerns over overburdening the state's system with too many types of alerts. Over the summer, Gatto modified A.B. 8 to address concerns raised by the CHP.