- San Diego Has Interesting Options for Stadium Site If Chargers Bolt for LA (Union-Tribune)
- Meanwhile, Sacramento Wins Lawsuit on NBA Stadium Financing Plan (SacBee)
- ...And May Raise Parking Meters to Help (SacBee)
- Beverly Hills Won’t Do Bike Lanes On Santa Monica Blvd (Better Bike)
- SFBC Collects Signatures on Panhandle Against SFPD Park Station’s Bike Crackdown (Examiner)
- …SF Examiner Readers Who Oppose the Crackdown Speak Up
- Aaron Bialick Decimates the Usefullness of the Bike Stings at (Streetsblog SF)
- Orange County Blames L.A. for Bad Road Ranking (OC Register)
- Some Santa Monica Businesses Unhappy with Train Construction (SM Mirror)
- Following Downtown Blackout, Long Beach Tries to Lure Shoppers with Parking Holiday (Post)
- Interesting Plan, Terrible Article, on Plans to Bring Car-Sharing to L.A. (LA Weekly)
- If You're Driving on the Freeway and You See a Duck Crossing, Don't Stop (Union-Tribune)
More California headlines at Streetsblog LA and Streetsblog SF