With Colby Tibbet moving to a new job out of state, we're re-opening the position for a Central Valley Writer. The job description is below; please pass this around to people who might be interested, and if you are that someone email me a resume and writing sample. This is a part-time job and we'll be accepting applications through June 26th.
Part-Time Writer for Streetsblog California
Job Description
We are looking for a professional journalist for a part-time position based in Fresno or elsewhere in the Central Valley to be a local correspondent for Streetsblog California. The position will be expected to provide regular coverage of local transportation projects including but not limited to bicycle and pedestrian planning, transit service, high speed rail, urban planning, and other issues.
The main responsibility will be to develop and report on the Livable Streets beat. While the position starts as a part-time position, we are working on bringing in more funding to expand the position and hope to work with the writer to bring on more funders and more advertisers, and perhaps grow it to a full-time position sometime in the future.
The main responsibility of the writer is to write for Streetsblog. The writer should produce between six and ten Streetsblog-quality stories every month.
The winning applicant will have a history and track record of publishing high-quality news articles and have a working knowledge of the culture, politics, history, and urban design of Fresno and the Central Valley.
How to Apply
Send an email to damien@streetsblog.org with a resume, writing sample, and cover letter by 5 p.m. on June 26th.