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From Palo Alto Forward:


We seem to want a lot of it, but never seem to get enough of it - What is it? PARKING!

Let's find a better way to manage our parking issues.

    • How can we make it more convenient to get to downtown Palo Alto (and Mountain View, Menlo Park, Mountain View, other places)?
    • How are we managing our parking in some of the most expensive real estate in the country?
    • How can we use limited space in an efficient way, and make it convenient to get to the places we want to go?
    • How are new and emerging technologies affecting the way cities are managing parking today?

Come join us on June 23, 2015, from 6 pm-7:30 pm at the Downtown Palo Alto Library (270 Forest Ave), to learn about effective strategies that other cities have used to manage parking, and how they might be applied in Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Mountain View and other nearby cities.

Richard Willson is a respected expert in parking strategies for cities. His new book, Parking Management for Smart Growth focuses on how to plan and implement successful parking management strategies, with effective practices and case studies from a variety of cities.

The Event is co-sponsored by Palo Alto Forward, Friends of Caltrain, Transform, Greenbelt Alliance, City of Palo Alto, City of Palo Alto Library, Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce, and Transition Palo Alto.

Download Event Flyer Here

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