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Metrolink Officials Need to Move Forward on Electrification

Californians for Electric Rail's petition to electrify Metrolink asks for a commitment and a reasonable rollout, not the huge project Metrolink is afraid to invest in. KTLA and Metrolink focused on the wrong points.

August 23, 2024

Alliance for Community Transit Activates Koreatown Bus Stop, Gathers Rider Input for Vermont Bus Lanes

Shade, refreshments and engagement were welcomed by bus riders, looking to get out of the hot August sun

August 23, 2024

Don’t Forget About Non-Drivers in Rural America

"Too often, advocates for reducing car-dependency focus solely on dense urban areas. But in doing so, they write off too much of our country and discount the reality of too many non-drivers."

August 23, 2024

The Road to Ruin: How Fresno County’s Transportation Future Got Stranded

As other regions build rail lines and public transit with their transportation sales tax; Fresno County is stuck with pothole problems.

August 16, 2024

State Is Still Falling for the Hydrogen Train Con

Caltrans is planning to commit the state to pursuing a technology that is unproven, currently untested, and will involve unknown but extensive future costs.

August 14, 2024

House GOP Leaders Try to Sneak Massive Transit Cuts into the Budget

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again to cut transit funding.

August 14, 2024

CA High-Speed Rail Authority Appoints New CEO

Choudri brings 30 years of experience developing transportation infrastructure, including work on high-speed rail in France and Spain

August 8, 2024

Report: CA Needs Sustainable Climate Funding, Not a “Climate Commitment” that Isn’t

More than half of the state's "Climate Commitment" of 2022 has been funded, but it has shrunk and been delayed, and its funding source includes money that was already going to the climate fight.

August 1, 2024