pedestrian safety
From Challenge to Opportunity: Transforming Salt Lake City’s Wide Streets
Salt Lake City’s unusually large grid pattern of wide streets and square blocks poses a massive challenge to walkability and bikeability but represents a rare opportunity for planners.
City Council Motion on Ending Automatic Road Widening at Public Works Committee
In 2023, L.A. City Council directed city departments to determine how to "eliminate spot road widenings." Public Works Department responded: keep widening roads.
Sacramento City Council May Declare Emergency Over Traffic Safety
The city faces high and rising injury rates on its roads. The proposal to declare an emergency is appropriate, say advocates, but it needs to be much stronger.
Eyes on the Street: Crosswalk Upgrades in Glendale’s Adams Square
"Where we meet" is a series of art crosswalks designed by local artist Keith Knueven as part of the city of Glendale's Creative Crosswalks program
Walk this Way: Feds Finally Want Car Safety Standards to Apply to People Outside the Vehicle
In the midst of a two-decade rise, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration proposed new rules to "reduce fatalities among pedestrians."
Speed Limit Assist Technology May Soon Be Required in California Cars
Safety advocates are excited about the passage of S.B. 961, a bill that would require all cars sold in California to include a system that warns drivers when they exceed a speed limit by ten miles an hour.
L.A. Upgrades Manchester Blvd Bike Lanes, Closing Gap
During resurfacing, the city appropriately closed a gap in its protected bikeway network through Westchester, as approved in the city's Mobility Plan - but sidewalks there remain heavily damaged
Video: What It’s Like to Walk in Pedestrian-Unfriendly Florida
Advocates in the Sunshine State are casting daylight on the state's raging pedestrian safety crisis, and what it will take to finally stop the bloodshed.