pedestrian safety
Here We Go Again: Pedestrian Safety Month Means Watch Out, People!
California Highway Patrol supports Pedestrian Safety Month with yet another tone deaf Public Safety Announcement putting the onus for safety on the most vulnerable people using roads
Eyes on the Street: Recently Widened Soto Street Bridge over Valley Blvd
The newly widened Soto Bridge is disappointing from a walking, transit and bicycling perspective - and the city plans more widening on Soto just north of the bridge project
It’s 2023 and L.A. City Is Still Widening Lots of Roads
L.A. City street widening is expensive, and adversely impacts safety, health, climate, air, water, noise, housing, historic preservation, and more
Opinion: How American vs. Danish Pedestrian Laws Stack Up
The subtle wording of American pedestrian safety laws reveals a lot about whose lives we prioritize on our roads — especially compared with the same policies in Denmark
LAPD Traffic Safety PSA Scolds Pedestrian for Getting Hit by Red Light Runner
Sometimes recycling isn't good for the environment.
Missing Metro Regional Connector First/Last Mile Facilities Worse Than Reported Earlier
Metro and LADOT quietly omitted and downgraded extensive bike and walk improvements approved and funded for Little Tokyo - in addition to omissions at Grand and Broadway stations
The Danger of School Streets in One Completely Avoidable Tragedy
The moral of our story is to never give up. Your community deserves nothing less. And activism can bring about real change.
Now Is The Time To Speak Up For Safer Vehicles
Pedestrian deaths set a 41 year record in the U.S. last year. Here are five ways you can take action to stop the bloodshed right now.
Santa Monica’s New 17th Street Curb-Protected Bike Lanes Are Amazing
Nearly completed, Santa Monica's excellent 17th Street bike/ped improvements include Southern California's first European-type curb-protected intersections
In the U.S., Drivers Hit the Deadliest Speeds in Places People Walk
Drivers across America are hitting deadly speeds in neighborhoods with lots of walkers — and a lot of them aren't even breaking the law when they do it.