Governor Newsom Signs Complete Streets Bill
Finally! State law will require Caltrans to plan and build a transportation system for everyone who uses California roads.
Metro and Caltrans Planning to Widen 405 Freeway through Carson, Meetings this Week
Between Wilmington Avenue and Avalon Boulevard, Metro and Caltrans are looking to add four new freeway lane sections at a construction cost totaling at least $90-120 million
Themes from Streetsblog California’s Ten Years
Part 1: The LOS, VMT, CEQA, OPR alphabet soup
Metro and Caltrans 14 Freeway Expansion Project Meetings Delayed
Metro plans to add more general purpose lanes as part of its 14 Freeway expansion project through Santa Clarita - a part of L.A. County that is reeling from triple digit heat
Wider Won’t Work: Wider Highways Are a Prescription for an Unhealthy Future
Metro/Caltrans highway expansion will encourage more vehicle trips, exposing already disadvantaged, environmental justice communities to even more pollution, with lifelong health impacts
State Is Still Falling for the Hydrogen Train Con
Caltrans is planning to commit the state to pursuing a technology that is unproven, currently untested, and will involve unknown but extensive future costs.
Incomplete Streets Part 3: Even When Caltrans Is Right, It’s Wrong
We have to give Caltrans credit for doing a few projects solely for the benefit of pedestrians and bike riders - although, without pressure from advocates across California, we might not have even these. However, even when Caltrans focuses on Complete Streets, it leaves out critical elements.
L.A. Leaders: “Pull the Plug” on Metro/Caltrans 91 Freeway Expansion in Long Beach
The community felt dismissed and disrespected by Metro's earlier response. This time Supervisor Hahn and Councilmember Ricks-Oddie heard them loud and clear: they don't want this project
Incomplete Streets Part 2: District 12 Ignores Caltrans Policy on Bike and Pedestrian Needs
Caltrans has a policy requiring Complete Streets in its projects, but Caltrans Districts routinely ignore it
Metro and Caltrans Expect to Complete Torrance 405 Freeway Widening Project Next Month
Metro and Caltrans are adding nearly two miles of new auxiliary freeway lanes, a new on-ramp, and widening adjacent streets including Crenshaw Boulevard and 182nd Street