CTC: Caltrans Will Push for Funding for Flawed Yolo Causeway Project
Caltrans wants advance funding for a project that hasn't completed the environmental evaluation process, and about which there are serious questions.
Metro’s Orwellian Take: Adding Miles of New Lanes to the 710 Freeway Is Not Expanding the Freeway
Metro claims "no [710 Freeway] expansion whatsoever" - and - at the same time Metro says they won't rule out demolishing homes
CalBike Summit Preview: Complete Streets Bill Would Require Caltrans to Implement Its Own Policies
Caltrans districts and local cities have bike and pedestrian safety plans, but too often Caltrans uses excuses - including cost and delay - to avoid following them. This bill would stop that practice.
California Transportation Agencies Celebrate New CA-Made San Joaquin Train Sets
A ribbon-cutting to mark the "beginning of a truly integrated transportation system" in California.
California Launches New Transportation Equity Tool
The Transportation Equity Index calls attention to inequitable distribution of transportation benefits and harms - and creates a new way to map multimodal access
Metro and Caltrans Quietly Canceled 110 Freeway Expansion Project
The 110 Freeway Adams Terminus Improvement Project would have extended a 2000+foot long ramp from below 28th Street to Figueroa Street near USC
Caltrans Releases Long-Awaited Complete Streets Guidelines
So is Senator Scott Wiener's Complete Streets bill necessary? Yes, it is.
Metro Releases New Lower 710 Freeway Proposal; Agency Still Plans to Widen 710, Doesn’t Rule Out Residential Demolitions
Metro's new 710 widening proposal is not as bad as the mega-widening that Metro was hell-bent on a couple years ago, but there's still a lot of harmful freeway/ramp/road expansion, and precious little transit, walk and bike improvements
CTC Approves Controversial I-15 Expansion, After All
Commissioners had already made up their minds to approve, and cut short questions from Commissioner Joe Lyou to get it over with
Caltrans Asks Fresno Judge to Toss Highway Lawsuit on Legal Technicality
In Fresno, a court case against a highway widening meets an unexpected legal hurdle. Instead of just completing a public health impact study, Caltrans wants the court to dismiss a case on technical grounds.